Updates were applied to the production environment on Thursday, June 8th, 2023. The following changes were applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

Contributed Module Updates

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates were applied to the development environment on Thursday, April 20th, 2023. Barring any security releases, the updates will be applied to the production environment on Tuesday, April 25th, 2023. The following changes were applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

Contributed Module Updates

  • CKEditor 7.x-1.23
    • Fixed CKEditor interface language to use $user->language variable
    • Updated CKEditor to 4.21.0
  • Context 7.x-3.12
    • PHP 8 compatibility fix
  • Entity Reference 7.x-1.9
    • Field reference now has asc/desc order
    • Fixed undefined index: hide_ids
    • Fixed typo in variable entityreference_field_views_data_alter()
    • Improved the ENTER keydown behavior of ER autocomplete
  • Google Analytics 7.x-2.8
    • PHP short array syntax committed to 7.x-2.7
    • drupalSettings is not defined error when using colorbox fixed
  • jQuery Update 7.x-4.1
    • Fixed broken autocomplete caused by jQuery 3.3+
    • Fixed broken tests
  • Menu Attributes 7.x-1.2
    • PHP8 compatibility fix
  • Multiupload Filefield Widget 7.x-1.16
    • Fixed call to undefined function mfw_managed_file_value()
  • Pathologic 7.x-3.2
    • Fixed set NULL for $options[‘query’]
    • Pathologic now handles not yet created image derivatives if they are files
    • Fixed language prefix is not split off because of caching bug
    • Fixed duplicate language prefixes in path on multilingual sites bug

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates were applied to the development environment on Wednesday, February 1st, 2023. Barring any security releases, the updates will be applied to the production environment during the week of Feb 5th. The following changes were applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • Chaos Tools (ctools) 7.x-1.21
    • Added php 8.2 support
    • removed ajax_render_error() function
    • Added parameter requirement after optional [PHP 8.0]
    • Added package to .info dependencies
  • CAS 7.x-1.8
    • Adds compatibility with phpCAS v1.6.0.
  • Date 7.x-2.14
    • Entity Metadata Wrappers now correctly set the value when the entity is translatable and the field is not
    • Removed HTML from date nav if there’s no content
    • Diff configuration for Date fields
    • Can now set class attributes using preprocess functions for date display themes
    • Collect end date requirement toggle disabling after data entry is fixed
    • Date field validation fixed
    • Improved test coverage for timezone handling
    • Conditional warning on install added
    • Minor clean up in date_admin.inc
    • Fixed deprecated dynamic properties
  • File Entity 7.x-2.37
    • PHP 8.2 compatibility fix
    • Fixed undefined $field[‘name’] in file-entity_field_formatter_view in full file view mode
    • Full support of PHP 8.2
  • File (Field) Paths 7.x-1.2
  • Media 7.x-2.30
    • Improved support for the commerce coupon module
    • Fixed undefined inex type error in media_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter()
    • PHP 8.2 compatibility fix
    • Added PHP 8.2 compatibility
  • Media: YouTube 7.x-3.12
    • Now supports YouTube Shorts
  • Views 7.x-3.28
    • Fixed htmlspecialchars_decode(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated
    • Now fully supports PHP 8.2 – deprecated dynamic properties fixed
    • Fixed trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated
    • Fixed deprecated function: strtotime(): Passing null to parameter
    • Fixed strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated
    • Fixed phpcs endless loop with “Drupal” rules due to missing @endcode
  • Webform 7.x-4.25
    • Made empty $step in _webform_number_select_options() compatible with PHP 8.0
    • Removed non-numeric parameters to max() for PHP 8.0 compatibility
    • Now avoids passing value to pass-by-reference parameter
    • Prevents passing null to strcasecmp() in webform_conditional_operator_string_equal()
    • Fixed typo in property name
    • Made max value appear in stepped number selector even when not on a step
    • Ensures #attributes for components is always an array
    • Provides namespaces for project dependencies

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates were applied to the development and production environments on Wednesday, December 14th, 2022. The following changes were applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • Core 7.94
    • Revert issue book_node_load() ignores the ‘book_allowed_types’ and does excessive SQL queries”
    • Made alterTags and alterMetadata public for Select query

Contributed Module Updates

  • None

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates were applied to the development environment on Monday, December 12th, 2022. Barring any security releases, these changes will be added to the production environment on Thursday, December 15th, 2022. The following changes were applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

Contributed Module Updates

  • apachesolr 7.x-1.13
    • Fixed PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘=’ Solr_Base_Query.php and unexpected ‘?’ plugins/facetapi/query_type_date.inc
    • Fixed Argument is not an array
    • Fixed Php 8.0 Compatibility Issue. Declaring a required parameter after an optional one is deprecated.
  • Feeds 7.x-2.0-beta6
    • Updated SimplePie $file paths in feeds_simplepie_exists()
    • PHP 8.0 compatibility
  • Feeds Extensible Parsers 7.x-1.0-rc2
    • Added views as test dependency to work around ctools issue
    • Corrected dependency on querypath in composer.json
  • Field Group 7.x-1.8
    • Fixed ypeError: in_array(): Argument #2 ($haystack) must be of type array
  • Views Bulk Operations 7.x-3.7
    • Fixed Fatal error after executing operation with PHP 8
    • Added ability to hide “Select all items on this page” checkboxes

OSU Module Updates

  • OSU Paragraphs Alert 1.3
    • Fix for sticky alert widths

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates were applied to the development environment on Tuesday, October 18th, 2022. Barring any security releases, these changes will be added to the production environment on Friday, October 20th, 2022. The following changes were applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

Contributed Module Updates

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates will be applied to the production environment on Monday, September 26th, 2022. The following changes will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

  • None

Contributed Module Updates

  • Views 7.x-3.27
    • Fixes views cache HTML that breaks some forms
    • Clearly labels exception option as an access bypass
    • Addresses PHP 7.2 counting error
    • Fixes “Expose this filter” javascript error

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates will be applied to the development environment on Tuesday, September 6th, 2022. Barring any additional security updates or issues, the updates will be pushed to the production environment on Thursday, September 8th, 2022. The following changes will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

Contributed Module Updates

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates will be applied to the development environment on Thursday, March 10th, 2022. Barring any additional security updates or issues, the updates will be pushed to the production environment on Friday, March 11th, 2022. The following changes will be applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

Contributed Module Updates

  • Biblio 7.x-1.5
    • Prevents NULL to trim()
    • Prevents conversion of FALSE to array
    • Removes support for Classic Mac OS \r line endings
    • Removes required parameter following optional parameter
    • Coding standards
  • Features 7.x-2.14
    • Removed required parameter following optional parameter (PHP 8)
    • Fixed test failure for PHP 7.4 : FeaturesUserTestCAse::_test_image() – Missing ‘isid’ in image effect

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.

Drupalicon graphic

Updates were applied to the production environment today, Wednesday, February 16th, 2022. The following changes have been applied:

Major Version Upgrade

  • None

Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates

Contributed Module Updates

  • None

OSU Module Updates

  • None

OSU Theme Updates

  • None

If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.