A patch will be applied to the dev environment tomorrow, Tuesday February 9th, 2021. Barring any issues or security updates, the update will be applied to the production environment on Thursday, February 11th, 2021. The following changes have been applied:
Major Version Upgrade
- None
Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates
- None
Contributed Module Updates
- CTools 7.x-1.19
- Note that 18 and 19 are simultaneously being added
- Regression fix from update 1.18 for issue #2166779 ctools_field_invote_field doesn’t create the $field_name or $field variables if the $field_name isn’t an array
- OG Menu 7.x-3.3
- Fixes issue where Menu parent item is empty when user belongs to only one group.
OSU Module Updates
- None
OSU Theme Updates
- None
If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.
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