Updates were applied to the Development environment on Tuesday, July 25th, 2023. The following changes were applied:
Major Changes
This update brings a Major change to the Groups Module. We will be upgrading from Groups v1 to Groups v2. This new version of Group has removed the Global Super Admin permissions to manage/edit Groups within Drupal. This changes how user roles work within Groups, the biggest change is for Architects. Now Architects must also be a member of a Group they wish to edit, luckily, if you are not a member you can join the group and this will automatically assign the Group Architect role.
Site Managers/Architects can also Create more Group roles and sync them to other Global Drupal roles.
Drupal 9 uses the Groups module, which functions like Organic Groups (OG) that we have in Drupal 7 to section out a large website. With OG and Groups v1 users did not explicitly have to be a member of the Group to mange/edit Group content. With this update we have worked to mitigate the barriers as much as we can to ensure compatibility with our sites and authoring.
Major Version Upgrade
- None
Drupal Core Bug Fix/Security Updates
- None
Contributed Module Updates
- drupal/captcha 1.12.0
- captcha_update_8906 hook updating core.extension.yml incorrectly
- TypeError in ImageCaptchaRenderService when using redirect_404
- drupal/group 2.1.0
- Major changes and drupal 10 Compatibility
- drupal/group_content_menu 2.0.0
- Group v2 and Drupal 10 Compatibility
- drupal/entitygroupfield 2.0.0-alpha1
- Group v2 and Drupal 10 Compatibility
- drupal/editoria11y 2.0.13
- TypeError when checking HTML5 Video
- drupal/tour_ui 2.0.0
- Drupal 10 Compatibility
- drupal/views_bulk_edit 2.9.0
- PHP 8.2 and Drupal 10 Compatibility
OSU Module Updates
- None
OSU Theme Updates
- None
If you have questions or concerns please contact us through our contact form.