Gray Wolf History in Oregon

Wolves have suffered too long

Now is the time to save.
(Photo by Maggie Howell via
1843The first wolf bounty was placed on wolves to limit the spread of wolves harming livestock
1947Last bounty in Oregon
1999The first wolf in Oregon since the mid-1900s spotted near the John Day River and was returned to Idaho
20002 wolves found dead in Oregon from being illegally shot and the other killed by a car
2005Creation of the Wolf Conservation and Management Plan (much opposition and did little to help)
2006A possible pack in 2006 in Northeast Oregon
2007Shot a wolf from a possible Oregon pack
2008-2009First pups to Oregon packs (total of 6 in 2009)
2011Downhill recovery due to lack of pups, poaching, state kills (due to first livestock depredation in half of a century), and kill permits in Eastern Oregon
2012The wolves earned some public backing, which helped the recovery process
2015Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife took wolves out of ESA protection (only 78 known adult wolves in the state)
Man vs. Wolve Debate in Oregon
(Video by Andrew Theen and Heidi Williams inspired by an article in The Oregonian by Andrew Theen