The Oregon State University College of Engineering will host the 2014 OSU Engineering Expo on Friday, May 16, from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Kelley Engineering Center. This year’s Senior Design Showcase features nearly 200 student-built projects from across the college’s six schools.

The Expo is a great learning opportunity for high school students who are interested in science and technology or may be considering a career in engineering.

In addition, the expo demonstrates the College of Engineering’s full support of the statewide initiative led by the Engineering and Technology Industry Council (ETIC) to address the issue of “T-shaped” professionals, a term referring to individuals who have depth of technical knowledge paired with skills, such as communication and teamwork, that cross over individual disciplines.

Projects from the OSU School of Civil and Construction Engineering to be featured at the expo include:

Sandy River Bridge – Students are designing a 200-foot boardwalk and bridge/overlook structure to replace a boardwalk that was destroyed in the floods of 2012. Sponsored by the City of Corvallis Parks and Recreation Department, the project will incorporate recycled materials from the previous boardwalk.  The students design documents will be used to secure grant funding to construct the project.

EWB Belize Water System Design – Students are designing an irrigation system to transport water for agricultural use to the Valley of Peace in Belize.  The irrigation system will include pumping, storage, and irrigation components using locally available materials. This project is sponsored by the OSU chapter of Engineers Without Borders.

ODOT US-97 MP190 Wildlife Crossing Proposal – Students are designing a structure to facilitate safe crossing of wildlife across US-97.  The project will result in not only reduced wildlife fatalities, but reduced automobile crashes, injuries and deaths.  This project is sponsored by the Oregon Department of Transportation.

The expo, in its 15th year, is free and open to the public and will also feature lab tours and a Robo*Palooza, which includes  the TekBot® Triathlon, an award-winning Mars rover, and FIRST robots from local high schools.

For more information about the expo, or to reserve a lab tour for over 20 guests, call 541-737-3101.

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