Congratulations to the Oregon State University American Society of Civil Engineers Student Chapter for winning four awards handed out by the organization! The chapter was honored with the following:

2014 ASCE Distinguished Chapter Award for Region 8  (top chapter in OR, WA, AK, HI, ID, MT, NV, UT, AZ)

2014 Richard J. Scranton Outstanding Community Service Award  – Top chapter in the nation. The ASCE Student Leadership Award is granted to an ASCE Student Member who has demonstrated leadership in a Student Chapter/International Student Group through various activities (e.g., service as an officer, leading special events, interaction with university administration, and interaction with ASCE Sections/Branches). OSU ASCE was recognized for their work in Nicaragua.

2014 Outstanding Practitioner Advisor Award for Region 8  – Ken Archibald

2014 Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award for Region 8  – Tom Miller


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