Ana “Juntos Mom” and facilitator

Ana-Juntos mom and facilitator

My family started Juntos three years ago when my son was a freshman. We were one of the first families. Before, I had a vague idea that I wanted my son to graduate with good grades just like every other mom, but I didn’t feel confident to go to the school. The classrooms and offices were all  behind closed doors. When I’d go to conferences, I would do my best, but I didn’t know what questions to ask.

Juntos changed all that. We had the chance to meet the principal, the office staff, some teachers. We learned how to deal with different situations. We learned who the right people were to talk to. Part of Juntos is to change the minds of the kids. They feel like you are with them; they are not dealing with school all alone. Even the little brothers and sisters are with you. I think that makes a difference.

Now, my son’s goal is to do the Advanced Diploma at COCC next year. Juntos has helped me too, to get more involved in my community as a facilitator and a volunteer, and given me confidence to work and move things forward. There was Ana before Juntos and Ana after Juntos! To be a facilitator was totally new, and speaking in public, but it changed me. I can transmit my ideas, mis experiencias como madre. I understand what those other families want for their kids. The information comes from people with similar stories, needs, and goals.


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