Salma Sanchez (6th grader, younger sibling of Juntos students)


Photo: Alejandrina Olivas


Salma Sanchez (6th grader, younger sibling of Juntos students)

I’m in 6th grade now. My big brother is in college and my big sister is in high school. Since we did Juntos, I have noticed that my whole family is working a lot more lately, like studying in their rooms. We talk a lot more to each other about our future goals. Every day they’re always filling out papers for scholarships or things. Sometimes there’s not enough time to play! Sometimes they get really tired, and whenever I ask questions, they have to finish other things first. But I know I want to be like them.

For me, I want to get a good education. I made some goals: to finish middle school with a 4.0, to graduate high school with a 4.0, to graduate college, and to have a job when I’m out. I really like cooking, so maybe I’ll be a chef? I’ve visited COCC in Bend; it’s nice how they have a whole building for their library, and a whole building for their cooking, and their huge cafeteria! I’ve visited the Beavers in Corvallis. It’s huge! I’ve also been to visit the Ducks at their football place. I don’t think most of my friends have already been to three colleges!

I think Juntos is pretty nice. It has helped a lot. It’s a lot of work, I’ve been noticing. But I have some volunteer hours already from helping play with little kids during the sessions. Someday I’ll go to the sessions too, just like Scott and Ingrid!


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