Adopted by membership December 12, 1985 (written in: Dec 8, 1993 Change notes)



This organization shall be known as the Oregon Agricultural Extension Association.

ARTICLE II Objectives

The objectives of this association shall be to (1) promote professional improvement; (2) advance the welfare and esprit de corps of its members; (3) to further the development and general prosperity of the agricultural, forestry, marine, and related industries of Oregon.

ARTICLE III Membership and Voting Rights

Section 1. Active Members. Persons eligible for active membership in this organization shall be professional or academic staff members of Oregon State University and have appointments for Extension educational or administrative responsibilities in agriculture, community resource development, energy, forestry, and marine programs. The active membership in good standing shall be those eligible who have paid the Association annual dues. They shall hold the right to vote and will be eligible for full participation in all OAEA functions and activities.

Section 2. Life Members Life membership shall be available to retired former members upon payment of a single lifetime membership as listed under dues.

Section 3. Honorary Members Honorary membership shall be bestowed upon those persons designated by OAEA for special contributions made to the organization, and/or to Oregon’s agriculture, community resource development, energy, forestry, or marine Extension programs. Nominations for honorary membership shall be submitted in writing to the OAEA Executive Committee at least 60 days prior to the annual meeting at which they are to be inducted. Election of honorary members shall be by the Executive Committee. Not more than five persons shall be inducted into honorary membership at any annual meeting.


The officers of this organization shall be President, President-elect, Vice-president, (immediate) Past-president, Secretary, and Treasurer. Each officer shall hold office for a one-year term. At the OAEA annual meeting, Vice-president, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected from the active membership. Vice-president shall automatically move into the office of President-elect; President-elect shall automatically move into the office of President; President shall automatically move into the office of Past-president. Secretary and Treasurer may be re-elected. Vacancies shall be filled through appointments by the remaining members of the Executive Committee. New officers will assume their duties immediately following the OAEA Annual Meeting.

ARTICLE V Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of this association shall be at the annual conference of Oregon Extension personnel or upon order of the Executive Committee. Such order shall be preceded by a notice to the membership at least 30 days prior to the meeting date.

ARTICLE VI Committees

Section 1. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, President-elect, Secretary­, Treasurer, and (immediate) Past-president.

Section 2. Standing Committees. Other standing committees shall be those designated by a majority of the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Special Committees. Special committees shall be appointed by the President or a majority of the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE VII Affiliation with National Association of County Agricultural Agents

This Association shall be affiliated with the National Association of County Agricultural Agents and shall pay dues for all paid-up members of the State Association, except those members who choose not to be members of NACAA.

ARTICLE VIII Changes in Constitution or By-Laws

The Constitution or By-Laws of this organization may be changed by a two-thirds majority of members present at any regularly-called meeting of the Oregon Agricultural Extension Association, provided that any proposed amendment is submitted at a previously regularly-scheduled meeting, or submitted by mail (electronic or traditional) to the members at least 30 days prior to voting on the proposed change.


Dues will be collected annually for active members. For members transitioning to lifetime membership, those dues shall be paid one time only.


ARTICLE I Personnel and Duties of Committees

Section 1. Appointments. All standing committees shall be appointed by the incoming president at the annual meeting of the Oregon Agricultural Extension Association.

Section 2. Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall carry out the business of the Association between regular meeting times. This shall include supervision of a budget which shall be presented to the membership at the annual meeting.

Section 3. Audit Committee. An Audit Committee shall be formed as needed, comprising three members from the Oregon Agricultural Extension Association. It shall be appointed to audit the accounts of the Treasurer and shall report such audit at the annual meeting.

Section 4. Nominating Committee. A nominating Committee shall be formed as needed and will present nominations for officers of the Oregon Agricultural Extension Association at the annual meeting of the Association.

Section 5. Personal Services Committee. It shall be the duty of this committee to send acknowledgement of health problems or death of a member or in a member’s family. In cases of illness a card or letter is suggested; in cases of death a floral or other suitable acknowledgement is suggested. It shall be the duty of the county staff to notify the committee chair regarding situations involving responsibilities for action by the Personal Services Committee.

Section 6. Other Standing Committees. These committees shall be similar in name and duties as standing committees of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents.


Section 1. Active membership. For active membership in this organization annual dues shall be NACAA annual dues (currently $50) plus $50 for operation of the OAEA. For those who choose not to belong to NACAA, only annual OAEA dues shall be collected.

Section 2. Life membership. For life members, dues shall be equal to one year’s OAEA dues payable one time only.

[**Organizational Name changed on this website, December 10, 2015.
Organizational acronym updated in bylaws, April 5, 2016.
Dues adjusted to reflect current membership rates, April 5, 2016.
Officer categories in Article IV updated April 12, 2017.
Date officers take office changed April 12, 2017.
Constitution and Bylaws updated,, particularly officers and duties of committees, April 3, 2024]