The NGLT has concluded the second phase  of their project: Meetings with 5 Learning Management System (LMS) providers to get a current perspective on the marketplace and be informed about the future strategic directions of the LMS providers. The educational technology landscape is evolving rapidly, and LMS providers are responding with innovations that OSU can leverage to benefit our teaching and learning community, and meet our strategic goals.

The NGLT reviewed both proprietary and open source systems:  Desire2Learn, Moodlerooms, Canvas, Sakai and Blackboard.  These meetings were recorded; the audio stream is available on the Resource link on the black banner bar at the top of the blog page.

The next steps of the task force will include:

  • Gather feedback from the task force members and faculty who attended these conversations
  • Develop a Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit bids from LMS vendors; target date for publishing the RFP is late July 2013
  • Invite vendors that meet criteria in the RFP to present at campus open forums in Fall 2013
  • Provide “sandbox” or demonstration sites of selected learning management systems; instructors and students will be able to try out the systems and provide feedback to the NGLT.

The NGLT will make a recommendation to the Instructional IT Committee on the LMS that best meets OSU’s key criteria as defined in the RFP. The Instructional IT Committee will make the final decision on changes, if any, to OSU’s learning management system.

Please watch this blog for frequent updates as more information becomes available regarding this process.

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