CAS Dance

At the end of winter term the Agricultural Executive Council held the annual College of Agricultural Sciences Dance. More than 60 students and community members came out and kicked the dust up out in Oldfield Animal Teaching Facility with us. The event lasted for three hours on a Friday night in March. Dinner and dessert was included in the cost of entrance to the dance and guests had the opportunity to enter a swing dancing competition at not extra cost as well. Along with this competition there was one offered to clubs that required a bit more preparation prior to the event, a centerpiece contest. Clubs were notified in advance about this competition and opportunity to win Battle of the Aggies points at our earlier meetings and over the listserv.

The winners of the Swing Dance Competition were:

Rueben Eliason and Alyssa Lilijequist

The winners of the Centerpiece Contest were:

1st place: Ag Ed Club

2nd place: Collegiate FFA

3rd place: Steer-A-Year

Thanks to all of this participation we were able to raise about 300lbs in canned food and $270 cash!