Week 9: Self-Reflection

  1. What am I good at?

I am good at making connections with others, basically making relationships. So, the teamwork environment and collaboration are good. Not only that, time-management can comes easier to myself if working with other that has great work ethic.

  1. What do I value?

I value Honesty, Growth, and Achievement. With communication comes trust and honesty, in my personal experience. To reach greater heights as a team we need to build a level of trust to push each other.

  1. How did I get here?

I got to where I am through hard work and not giving up. The literal blood, sweat, and tears through sports that got me my scholarship to go to school. Through college I was able to learn more hard skills and soft skills.

  1. Where am I going?

I see myself making an impact in a leadership role somewhere in life. In an organization, I see myself as part of a team that pushes each other to achieve our best. Not only that, but the work environment would value the same values I do.


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