Category: Uncategorized

  • Pushing through

    We’re nearing the end of the line. Only a handful of weeks left, but it feels like there’s still so much to do. It’s interesting that this last section of the Capstone project is only 2 credits, because with all the testing that needs to be done, it feels like there should be more time…

  • The beginning of the end

    Since I’m in my last term here at OSU, I figured I’d go back through a few of my favorite courses and talk about what I appreciated about them: CS 325 – Analysis of Algorithms Despite being relatively difficult, courses like this are what set apart “computer science” from “coding”. Algorithms in general typically aren’t…

  • Teamwork makes the dream work

    We’re coming up to the end of the second term of our Capstone project, and we’re expected to have a somewhat working demo before Spring rolls around. Now that we’re this far through, we have a much better perspective on the project overall. When we started our project, the team dynamic felt like it lent…

  • Tech Knowledge-y

    So, our project is a full-stack web tool, which, if I understand full stack correctly, means we’re doing everything from top to bottom, start to finish, you get the point. This means that we need a website that people can see and click on things in. We’re also storing user information, resumes, cover letters, etc.,…

  • Coding practices

    Chapter 1 of Robert Martin’s Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship has a pretty amusing opening: “You are reading this book for two reasons. First, you are a programmer. Second, you want to be a better programmer. Good. We need better programmers.“ More do There’s definitely one thing I know that I can…

  • What to do…what to do…

    The thing I’ve heard most frequently since I started this degree is about how there are no entry-level jobs, despite the huge demand for engineers. The consensus is that the demand is mostly for experienced engineers, and that internships and entry-level positions are few and far between. In terms of actual “doing” (as in my…

  • Getting past the hiccups

    We’re pretty far through the first term at this point, and I’d say our team has been pretty productive. That’s definitely not to say that it’s been perfect, though. As a group, we had a large misunderstanding of how the dynamic with our project mentor was supposed to work, and it took a few weeks…

  • Oh, hi

    I’m kind of curious how many self-intros I’ve written since going back to school. I guess I could just count how many courses I’ve taken so far but…too much work, not enough curiosity right now. I think that a couple things about me that tend to raise eyebrows are the answers to “What’s your name?”…