
Week 9 – Blog Post: Self-Reflection

What am I good at?

At this point in my career, I would say that I’m good at leading a team, working with clients and helping them identify their needs, and working through strategies to help fulfill those goals. In my career, I’m results-driven and focused on accountability, but in my personal life, I tend to take more joy in the journey than the accomplishments.

What do I value?

I value service toward others. I value accountability from others. We may not have a say in our circumstances, but we do have control over our response to our circumstances. I value that response and what we are doing to make things better.

How did I get here?

I got here through hard work, good fortune, and the mentorship of others. I’ve always worked with talented and gracious people who have helped me learn and experience new things. I’ve had supervisors who have supported me and advocated for me. I’ve worked in different situations where I’ve been fortunate to gain perspective at each of my stops.

Where am I going?

This is a wonderful question. The future is uncertain, but I would say that in my current trajectory, my path leads toward more opportunities to serve clients, develop relationships, and lead teams. I would like to think that I would be able to continue to take on newer responsibilities and greater roles within my company, and that my ability to impact clients and the general public would be enhanced through the work that our teams are doing.

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8 replies on “Week 9 – Blog Post: Self-Reflection”

Hi Matt,
I enjoyed reading your post, and it seems like you really put a lot of thought into your self reflection. Your values sound really clear to you, which is a good thing. I liked your answer to how you got here, specifically the mentoring part which is important to all of us at some point in our lives. Great post!

Hi Matt,

I really enjoyed reading your post. As I read yours after having just drafted and published mine, I was able to also reflect on a couple items I left off but I am also grateful for. This was a great exercise for me to be able to be honest and open about myself and being able to read what you had to share was also a key piece that I wish was more readily available as we build relationships. Vulnerability sometimes is bypassed in organizations, this exercise was helpful in connecting with myself but also with classmates on a more personal level. Thank you for sharing!



This kind of self-reflection is always beneficial, especially when you do it on a regular basis, as Jay mentions. We tend to think regular strategic planning is beneficial in our organizations, but we don’t often do our own “self-strategic planning.”



I think having the ability to lead and team and feel confident in it is a great trait to have and will take you far. This will not only allow you to work well in teams but make for a great team environment. I also think its great that you have utilized those around you who inspire you the most. Having a mentor or in your case multiple is a great resource. Not only can they give great advice but can be a good set of eyes to help you with any problems as they are seeing the issue from the outside.


Good points. Mentorship is really important, and a lot of organizations fail to realize this. The mentor/mentee relationship is so important for growth within the organization, and oftentimes the benefits for the mentors are not recognized enough. When I have the opportunity to mentor to someone else, I think of the times that I have needed to get mentorship from others (and still do).



“We may not have a say in our circumstances, but we do have control over our response to our circumstances. I value that response and what we are doing to make things better.”

This statement you made truly shows the matureness, confidence, and reliability in your character and who you are as a person. If I was a hiring manager and someone told this to me, I don’t think I would have any hesitation in hiring them.

Our response to situations in life, good or bad, shows others our true selves. Things are never going to be perfect – so we can’t let those imperfections bring us away from what is important. This makes me think back to Little League baseball when I was a kid. Twenty years later and I can still remember the names of the kids who would cry after a bad-call made by the umpire. That one little problem/annoyance/mistake became such an issue for these kids that now the entire team’s goal of winning, doesn’t even matter to them. I know they were kids, but the same goes for adults – it’s hard to like someone who focuses so hard on the negatives!

Thanks for sharing,

Great perspective, Jared, and I totally agree. The more we start turning away from complaining about what happens to us and turn toward doing something about it, the more we create better opportunities for ourselves and others.


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