Most Important thing I have learned

During the last 9 weeks I have learned so much on various different aspects of Recruiting and Selection. From learning about important legal laws surrounding recruitment, to learning about recruitment strategies, and everything in between, I have gained a lot of knowledge to take with me into the workplace. I would say one of the most important, or even the one topic I enjoyed learning more about was learning about the different recruitment goals and methodologies. I really enjoyed learning more about the different types of methodologies for recruitment and how to choose which one dependent upon your recruitment goals. I believe it is very important to understand how to align your goals with specific action, such as the different recruitment methods, to be able to attract the right talent that you are looking for.

For example, the point of purchase method is used in instances where you are looking to target your specific customers for hiring, and are looking for an inexpensive hiring method. The point of purchase method is inexpensive because you don’t have to pay for someone else to post the position for you, rather it is usually posted within your own stores, or cash registers. The disadvantage to using this method is that only a limited amount of people will see your posting.

Overall, it is really important to be able to identify your specific recruitment goals and then be able to identify which recruitment method aligns with your goals in order to be able to attract the right talent. I really enjoyed learning about this topic because I believe it will be very applicable and transferable into the career that I am hoping to go into, which is recruiting and/or HR. I have learned so much from this class and I am excited to take this information and knowledge with me into the workforce!


1. What am I good at?

I am good at managing my time, staying organized and following through on my commitments. I am driven and determined to achieve my goals and succeed in whatever it may be that I put my mind to.

2. What do I value?

I value having a work life balance to have time with friends and family where I can re-charge from a busy week. I also value taking time to exercise, and do other self care activities such as reading a book, taking baths, or watching movies.

3. How did I get here?

I have been putting in so much work over the last 4 years for achieving my bachelors degree, and find a post graduation job. I have spent countless hours doing homework, studying for tests and involving myself in clubs/volunteer work.

4. Where am I going?

At this point in time I am not exactly sure where I am going, which is really hard to cope with. I have had my entire life planned out until this point and time, and now the opportunities are endless. Which can seem like a very amazing thing, but also very daunting at the same time. What I do know, is that wherever I end up I want to be fulfilled with the work I am doing, and the people that I surround myself with.

IPIP Results and Reactions

After taking the IPIP test I wasn’t too surprised by my results. Personally, I really enjoy personality tests such as the StrengthsFinder, Enneagram, Myers Briggs, etc. so I have taken these all many times before. I really find it fascinating to learn more about how you function fundamentally and how to work well with others. My results were pretty similar to my results of other personality tests as well.

For the extraversion category it stated “Extraversion is high, indicating you are sociable, outgoing, energetic, and lively. You prefer to be around people much of the time.” For the Agreeableness category it stated “Agreeableness is average, indicating some concern with others’ Needs, but, generally, unwillingness to sacrifice yourself for others.” For the Contentiousness it stated “Conscientiousness is high. This means you set clear goals and pursue them with determination. People regard you as reliable and hard-working.” For the Neuroticism category it stated “Neuroticism is low, indicating that you are exceptionally calm, composed and unflappable. You do not react with intense emotions, even to situations that most people would describe as stressful.” Lastly for the Openness category it stated ” Openness to Experience is average, indicating you enjoy tradition but are willing to try new things. Your thinking is neither simple nor complex. To others you appear to be a well-educated person but not an intellectual.”

After looking at these results I could see how an employer or future employer would be able to identify some potential strengths and weaknesses. For example, for the category of Extraversion, an employer might be able to use this information to determine how outgoing, and energetic a potential might be in a role. This specifically could be helpful for an outward facing role where an employer is looking for someone to be a friendly, welcoming and outgoing person interacting with customers. Another example of how an employer might interpret this information could be seen in the Openness category. Being open to learning and trying new things is essential for new employees to learn and take in information from coworkers and supervisors. Employers likely will want someone who has a strength of being able to be flexible and open to learning new things. If the results of this category were different and showed that an individual wasn’t as open, and maybe was more reserved and stuck in their ways, it would most likely make an employer concerned and consider it a weakness. Overall these different categories can give an employer a lot of insight into how an individual operates and functions in the workplace.