
Writing Exercise 1

A great many infectious diseases are caused by microbes, but people seem to rarely consider the effect that microbes have on non-infectious diseases. Further research into the effect of microbes on our general beings is being conducted readily, and has found that microbes affect our bodies much more than we would think. Microbes have been linked to the presence of cancers, diabetes, and even cognitive disorders such as depression and anxiety.

When we begin to wonder how these microbes may be causing or affecting such diseases, we need to look at how to microbes are functioning within our bodies. Microbes have their own metabolic processes just as we do, but their products are not entirely the same. Many of their metabolic byproducts may be harmful, such as the H. pylori bacteria we discussed in class, which causes inflammation and eventually cancer of the stomach.

However, cognitive disorders caused by microbes can be a lot more complicated than that. But, for examples sake, I will simplify it. Imagine that there is a bacteria found in the human gut that produces some byproduct that can inhibit serotonin. As we know, serotonin is responsible for our feeling of happiness and well being, and its absence has been linked to depression. This could feasibly occur, and thus we have a very simple route for microbes to affect even cognitive disorders.

Thus, maintaining a healthy microflora is critical in our day and age.

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