
Week 3 Post

This week I learned many things from our readings. I really enjoyed a lot that was said in our reading for Design is Storytelling by Ellen Lupton. Throughout this week’s reading we are exposed to emotion and how it impacts design and our everyday lives. “Designing for emotions requires thinking about how users will anticipate an experience and how they will remember it later” (Lupton 59). We learn the three layers of user experience, the beginning (aka the visceral level) the middle (the behavioral level) and the end (the reflective level). We also learned about the experience economy and how it has changed the way commercial companies design and deliver products to all of its users. I really enjoyed a lot from this week! 


Week 2 Post

Throughout this weeks readings I have learned a lot. In the reading, The Shape of Design, chapter three, one of the biggest insights I learned was about the first step of any process. You have to start with Why-based questions. I thought this was quite interesting due to the fact that it says any process. This could be for anything and it would still be necessary and relevant. Also in this reading, I learned how your ideas must improve, there is “no conceivable way that you could come up with anything worse” (The shape of design chapter 3). This was interesting to me because brainstorming and creative thinking takes practice, just like anything else. Therefore, if you practice and try again the results must be better at every point. In the reading, Design is Storytelling, by Ellen Lupton, I learned a lot of valuable insights. One of those being designers plan structures. Some people believe that designers do not have structure and do not plan, they simply do. However, designers plan just as much if not more. Consider an architect, or website designers, you have to plan your steps and structure your thinking in order to complete the task at hand.


Week 1 Post

Throughout this week I learned about the personality profile, which includes collaboration, experimentation, empathy, optimism, and intergrated thinking. I also learned about the creative process and how it is different for each person. I learned about how the heros journey impacts design thinking. I learned how to balance the transfer or knowledge and respect others opinions and advancements. Design is all about problem solving whether that be a subway or condoms! And Design is story telling. How each design says something different.


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