Caroline Cauret

Caroline joined the lab as a post-doc in September 2020. She recently completed her PhD at McMaster University studying sex chromosome evolution in pipid frogs. She is intrigued by the remarkable number of similarities between frog and strawberry sex chromosome evolution, and she is looking forward to the advantages of working with plants.


  • Cauret, C., M.-T. Gansauge, A. S. Tupper, B. L. Furman, M. Knytl, X. Song, E. Greenbaum, M. Meyer, and B. J. Evans (2019). “Developmental systems drift and the drivers of sex chromosome evolution”. In: Molecular Biology and Evolution 37: 799-810.
  • Evans, B. J., M.-T. Gansauge, E. L. Stanley, B. L. Furman, C. M. Cauret, C. Ofori-Boateng, V. Gvoždík, J. W. Streicher, E. Greenbaum, R. C. Tinsley, et al. (2019). “Xenopus fraseri: Mr. Fraser, where did your frog come from?” In: PloS one 14.9, e0220892.
  • Furman, B. L., C. M. Cauret, G. A. Colby, G. J. Measey, and B. J. Evans (2017). “Limited genomic consequences of hybridization between two African clawed frogs, Xenopus gilli and X. laevis (Anura: Pipidae)”. In: Scientific Reports 7.1, p. 1091.