Vitamin D Webinar with Dr. Adrian Gombart

Adrian Gombart, PhD - Expert on Vitamin DAdrian Gombart, Ph.D., is the Linus Pauling Institute’s resident expert on vitamin D. The institute hosted a free webinar with him, discussing the role of vitamin D in bone health, cancer prevention, fighting infections, and supporting the immune system. We present it here, along with his follow-up answers to audience questions.


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What’s in that Supplement Bottle?

What's in that supplement bottle anyway?

Need a supplement?

Any trip to a grocery or health food store can tell you that there are lot of different supplements out there. Finding one that suits your needs is not always an easy task. Brands, formulations, doses, and health claims on the label can leave people baffled.

What makes matters worse is the possibility that what is listed on a supplement label might be completely different than what is actually inside the bottle. Continue reading What’s in that Supplement Bottle?

Feelings of (Micronutrient) Inadequacy? Probably not.



A surprising number of Americans fall short of vitamin and mineral intake recommendations, and will never know it.

It’s a state we know as ‘inadequacy’—insufficient micronutrient intakes for optimum health. Continue reading Feelings of (Micronutrient) Inadequacy? Probably not.