The Final Blog Post (dunananana)

Here we are, the end of my (2nd to) last quarter as an OSU Computer Science student. This course has been a fun experience to work on a project from beginning to end without much intervention or feedback. The group had to hold ourselves accountable and we alone really determined how it would turn out.

I’m pretty pleased with how our application turned out overall. Given more time, I think we could’ve implemented a few things better or made things look nicer. Our primary objective was a functional app that met all requirements, which I believe we’re very close to doing if not exceeding once we wrap things up. Group work always has some challenges, but I feel like we overcame most of those.

To summarize, this was a good class and I enjoyed myself while learning quite a bit. My only complaint might be that there was a decent amount of “busy work” just enough to distract us from the project at hand, but hey I get it this is still a course after all. Thanks for a good quarter!

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