This is connected to a thread of posts on the topic of real examples about making education, the Arts, and STEAM more accessible to a variety of students. Check out the first post before reading this one to get an idea of what we’re looking for.
Oregon State University (OSU) is another university that is working towards making education more accessible to students. ‘Access OSU‘ is a program funded by the university that aims to get more underrepresented students to graduate high school in the Portland Metro area and build pathways to higher education. The program helps schools fill out grants and secure funding to ensure the cost of education is not a burden to students and their families. Access OSU also helps provide updated technology to schools to ensure students aren’t left behind their peers in non-underrepresented schools. This program has supported low-income areas and helped move students towards higher education.
The National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) is a historic organization that has helped push the boundaries of accessibility in the classroom for years in the United States. NABE was founded in 1976 and helped pass legislation and bills necessary to improve the accessibility of education to non-English speaking students, like the Bilingual Education Act. Today, their mission is focused on helping teachers become certified bilingual through the Seal of Biliteracy with no cost to the teachers. By having a cultural understanding about the importance of students being taught in a language they understand, NABE has helped children find themselves more supported in classrooms.