Sustainability in Design

Moving forward In the 21st century has caused many problems for our world. Some of these include racial/class inequalities, environmental collapse, as well as trying to create a sustainable world to live in before we reach extinction. These are such large issues, that at times it can be hard to face them head on. However, as designers we do have the power to influence change on the planet. The best avenue to make change starts with political figures and people that run some of the largest businesses in the world, but at times it seems as though they don’t listen. Designers are the second rung to this equation, because we are the mouth piece of these companies/leaders. This gives us the ability to create strong impact and influence through the spreading of products, images, and communications to the people.

I personally would like to take on the torch of environmental sustainability in my design so that us as a species (as well as millions of other species) can survive. It is my duty as a human and being of the planet to continue to progress the world into a place that doesn’t equal annihilation. This is such a monumental task, but knowing that you are not the only one in the fight can help you maintain better spirits. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, and for things to seem like your are only making a tiny drop in the bucket, but as you drop water into the bucket it ripples and helps invoke change in others as well.

 Ways that we can influence people of the world through design would be to focus on supporting companies that have sustainable goals of creating change on our planet. Another would be to continue to produce uplifting and hopeful messages, which will help get people engaged to want to change their behavior. As designers we can also advocate for materials that are sustainable such as paper, ink, reusable materials, etc. When designing a product or graphic for the purpose of a product ( ex: packaging) you can always remember to think about the “life cycle analysis” of that item. Too often we don’t think about the impact a product or type of packaging has on our environment. Instead we can imagine what might happen to that package or product when it is no longer functioning its original purpose. Most people might want to just throw it away, but if thought was put into the design maybe the packaging or product could be used in a new inventive way such as being biodegradable or to have a second purpose or utility. I believe that most people in the world want to do good, so if they had a directed way that they could do that, then people would line up at the opportunity. If we had the majority of designers focusing on these problems that face us today, then I truly think that change could occur. We have a long and hard road ahead of us, but together we can make a difference.

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