
Blog Post: Typical vs. Maximal Performance

If I were in the shoes of the business owner, I would choose Jaime. The reason I would select Jaime over Avery is because she is reliable. Every time you give her a task of similar caliber you know what the end result will be. If Avery was performing at a high caliber most of the time or at least above average, she would be the easy choice. In this case Avery is below average most of the time and only performs exceptional well a small percentage of the time. In my opinion consistency is very important and is a high trait that I like in employees. Even if you have high-performance ceiling, that only shows your potential but doesn’t indicate your determination and drive. Performance is a great trait, but determination to achieve high performance is even more important  

The type of job that you would best put Jaime is one where it might be more entry level and there is a lot of repetition. The job set would be more of an administration type of jobs. Having a more paperwork position allows for her to remain constant and don’t require her to excel as certain times.

The type of job the Avery would be probably a recruiter/ sale, this allows her to determine the outcome of her job perspectives. If she wants to make money, she has to work hard to gain sales. If she’s does not meet her quote, she will be out of a job. This allows her to be a slacker and determine the outcome.

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One reply on “Blog Post: Typical vs. Maximal Performance”

Hi Kyle,
Your thoughts on Avery’s sales position are interesting! I agree that having Avery work in a sales job would make it so that Avery would have to perform to make a commission, and this would allow her to either succeed or fail on her own. Great idea!

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