
Blog Post: Experiences with Discrimination

So, if my favorite company were faced with a public lawsuit it would bring a slightly worried. I am a firm believer in there is two sides to every story. I would analyze the situation prior to making an opinion on the subject. I would first look at the evidence against the company if the evidence proved the company was making discrimination-based actions then it would definitely change the way I feel on the company. It would definitely influence my decision to support the business. A way a company can rebuild my trust is my outlining a plan to fix the issue at hand. A good example is Starbucks, they had racial discrimination on using the restroom when they had a policy in place that only paying customers can use it. Starbucks admitted they were wrong and immediately had a shutdown day to give racial training and changed its policy. If I were to apply for a company that had a discrimination suit in the past, I would take it consideration what changes they have made to the company whether leadership, training, and relative steps to avoid having similar actions happen again. If they were to take corrective action within the company, then I would consider applying for the company if it were an industry or a job that I would like to fill. What makes the difference in me supporting a company is what are they doing to change the culture of discrimination. I don’t want company that is constantly getting in legal trouble or doesn’t want change for the better. If they are willing to learn in get better, I want to help that company strive to get better.    

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4 replies on “Blog Post: Experiences with Discrimination”

Its awesome that you’re willing to change the company if provided the opportunity! I think that as companies grow, we all must work to be our best selves and represent our companies well, and what better way then teaching our team members that.


I really appreciate your perspective here, what you said definitely resonated with my views as well. To your point, I definitely agree that their are two sides to every story and that it is important to analyze both sides before forming an opinion.

I think you make a great point when you mentioned that what changes a company makes after the fact can impact how you feel about the company. I think it is fair to give a company consideration for how they’ve responded to the situation and what they’ve done or haven’t done to improve.

I enjoyed reading your post this week.

Hi Kyle,

You make a great point in that there are two sides to every story. I thought about this while reading through this question as well. What if the claims were unfounded and the company faced public backlash for no reason? This would cause a very impactful and damaging loss in business for almost no reason. That said though, I think every company can strive to do better, so it would provide them with an opportunity to look at their practices and improve.

I agree that deciding to work for the company in the future would depend on steps they’ve taken to correct the issues. If the discrimination is still present, it is likely the company has other issues that need correction as well. It is also important to note that the company’s long term success is likely to be impacted by the issues thus affecting all employee’s positions and careers.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts this week.
Courtney Seton

I reall enjoy reading your experiences with discrimination. You also make a good point which is before we decide them that are right or wrong, we should look at the evidence against the company because it will help us to see the truth. I think Starbucks is great example. Moreover, I totally agree with you that applying for a company that had a discrimination suit in the past, I would be more consideration for choice because if the company hasn’t changed or no improving, I definitely don’t apply.

Thank you for sharing your experience this week!

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