
Blog Post: Job Application Experiences

  • Describe your experiences from the perspective of an applicant for the last job you for which you applied.

So, my experience is really simple from my last job that I applied for. So, the company that I applied for is called Maxim Healthcare. This company manages/ staffs healthcare professionals in education, prisons, hospitals, and other industries that may require healthcare professionals. My application process was really straight forward, I put in an application for handshake. This automatically generated my resume and sent it to the company. A month goes by and the accounts manager for their educational services team division. That would be the future division I would be working for, if I were to get the job. He basically told me what the position entailed and what the company was all about. He basically asked me a series of question, to try to get a feel if I would be a good fit with the company. He then followed up with how the rest of the interview series would go if we were to continue the application process.   

  • Explain how your experiences during the job application process shaped your impression of the job you were applying for and your desire to work there (or in some cases to not work there).

In going through the application process, I like how it is structured. The only thing that I consider is a little excess is that there are 4 tiers of interviews in addition to the questionnaire/ pre- interview phone call. It is nice that the person you would actually be working with is helping you with the process, and gives you a strong Idea of what to expect throughout the whole process. I think that in giving me the perspective of what the job entails, is more in line with what I want to do in a future career and gives more insight of what the people who work there are like from a social aspect.

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4 replies on “Blog Post: Job Application Experiences”

I for one have never experienced an application process through Handshake, but I have heard from others that it is extremely easy. It looks as if you have had a similar experience as some of the people I know. I really enjoy how Handshake can generate a resume for you. This takes away half of the stress of an application process! Were you required to submit a cover letter, or any other attachments through Handshake? I cannot believe there were 4 tiers of interviews. This does seem a little bit excessive, but I am sure they just have a very thorough application process. Thanks for sharing!


From what I’m starting to hear more of is these lengthy interview processes that you mentioned, sometimes meeting with 4 or 5 different people as part of the interview process. Although this takes a lot of time invested on your part, I think it can be beneficial as you can get a better idea of the type of people you’d be working with and hear different perspectives prior to getting a job offer, as you mentioned. In some interview processes it may feel like you’re being tossed around to different people, so that’s nice you had a “representative” if you will, that was a resource throughout the process.
Thank you for sharing your experiences.


I enjoy reading your experience during applying a job. I think applying many jobs also are very good thing because job application process is not hard, but getting interview or career is hard. I like to apply application toward handshake because it is not compilcated when I am using. Also, it helps you to save your document such as resume, letter cover. It is good to know that application process has four iers of interviews which I didn’t notice before.
Thank you for sharing your experience that is very helpful and fully knowledgeable!

Reading through your answer to the first question, I thought that this seemed like a very casual method of contacting an applicant. However, reading through your answer to the second question, it seems that they’re actually very rigorous (i.e. four interviews), and the phone call was more a way to see if you were truly interested. They wouldn’t want to waste their/your time if you didn’t like what they explained over the phone.
Thank you for sharing your experience as it gave me some ideas for the next time I’m on a search committee.

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