Category: Uncategorized

  • Capstone Course Review

    Hello everyone! As I approach the final stretch of my Computer Science program, the Online Capstone Project course stands as a pivotal experience. This course isn’t just another class; it’s where we get to apply everything we’ve learned so far. I’m here to share a SWOT analysis of the course, looking at what works, what…

  • Hello, AI

    Programming has always been about problem-solving and innovation. Throughout my journey, every new challenge, whether it was a tricky algorithm or a missing semicolon, added to my experience. Lately, I’ve been diving into the realm of artificial intelligence, specifically with tools like ChatGPT. The goal? To see how AI can assist right from the ideation…

  • Hello world!

    If I had to create a program that wrote this, I might still need to Google and do some debugging before it works. It was the first program that I, and probably many other programmers, have written. But even now, at the beginning of the last course in the program that started my programming career,…