

450 – 1800 AD Islam and Orthodoxy

610-632 AD – The prophet Muhammad creates the Quran and flees Mecca to form the  Muslim religion which begins to see a severe division for Christianity.

638 AD – city of Jerusalem falls to Muslim invasion

641 AD – Muslim siege of Alexandria

678 AD – emperor Constantine IV repelled muslim invaders from Constantine

690’s AD – Dome of the Rock constructred

732-733 AD – Charles Martel repels Muslims at Poitiers halting their advance in Europe

962 AD – Byzantines lose Sicily to muslim control

1007 AD – Mongol Khan receives a vision from saint sergius and promises deliverance from a snow storm for conversion to Christianity.

1025 AD – reign of emperor Basil II ends

1071 AD – Emperor Romanus defeated at Manzikert and is taken prisoner

1081 AD – Alexios Komnenos, seized power and established his dynasty on
the throne.

1147-1149 AD – Second Crusade from failed to achieve its objectives in Palestine and Damascus.

1215 AD – Catholic Fourth Lateran Council decrees special dress for Jews and Muslims, and declares Waldensians, founded by Peter Waldo, as heretics. One of the goals is the elimination of the heresy of the Cathars

1250’s AD – Mamlukks seized power in Egypt

1256 AD – Berke murders his Christian nephew in order to take power as the Kipchak Khan.

1258 AD – Mongols sack Baghdad and massacre the city save for the Christians who inhabited there.

1261 AD – Latins expelled from Constantinople.

1279 AD – Kublai khan becomes the first Yuan emperor of China

1348-1349 AD – plauge known as Black death strikes Europe.

1354 AD – Christians in Egypt are persecuted and forced to recite islamic profession of faith

1375 AD – Cilicia city fell to Mamluk forces

1378–1418 AD – Western Schism in Roman Catholicism

1441 AD – Council of Florence

1453 AD – Fall of Constantinople overrun by the Ottoman Empire

1455 AD – Gutenberg Bible, first printed Bible, by Johann Gutenberg

1570 AD – island of Cyprus captured from Venetians by the Turks