
Unit II

300 AD – 1300 AD Rise of Rome

293 AD – Diocletian creates Tetrarchy, moving the administration out of Rome into four major cities

321 AD – Constantine defeats the Tetracrhy and declares himself the sole Augustus

324 AD – Constantine becomes the sole Roman emperor after many civil wars are waged against the other three emperors put into power by Diocletian. Also the capital of the Roman empire is moved from Byzantine to Constantinople under the order of Constantine.

366-384 AD – Damascus rises to power as Pope through threats of coercion.

374 – 397 AD  – Ambrose, a military and political man, through a weird twist of fait becomes the bishop of Milan.  We begin to see a bishop who controls some power over political decisions, and he has many churches built in his time. He’s also the first bishop to have a church built for his final resting place.

382 AD – Pope Damascus directs Jerome to translate the bible into Latin.

385-400 AD – Jerome of Stridon is commissioned to translate the first Latin bible, called The Vulgate, that was used as a primary text for the Catholic church up until the 16th century.

386-430 AD – Augustine of Hippo has many insights on marriage, sex, and what good marriage brings about.  He is ordained as a Bishop in 391 in Hippo.  His ideologies on marriage and sex lasted over 1,000 years influencing many religious and political leaders for many years to come.

410 AD – The sack of Rome by  Visigoths led by their King, Alaric has major setbacks to the Roman empire.  This was seen as the beginning of the Western Roman empire.

451 AD – Council of Chalcedon declares Jesus is both Human and divine.

452 AD – Leo a negotiator with Atilla the Hun retreats from Italian invasion

455 AD – Sack of Rome by Vandals

481 AD – Merovech becomes king of one branch of the Germanic people known as the Franks

493 AD – Arian Ostrogoth seizes cit of Ravenna the last capital of the western emperors.

503 AD – Merovingian’s become protectors of Rome against Arian rulers

536 AD – Silverius becomes Pope with backing of Ostrogoth monarchs in Ravenna

546 AD – Sack of Rome by the Ostrogoth’s

553 AD – Second Council of Constantinople

597 AD – Pope Gregory I sends Augustine of Canterbury to England to extend the frontiers of Christianity

649 AD – Pope Martin I arrested by imperial officials for presiding over a council in Rome opposing the emperor’s monothelete theology.

680-681 AD – Third council of Constantinople

751 AD – end of Merovingian rule

800 AD – Charlemagne crowned holy Roman emperor

814 AD – Charlemagne passes away and

843 AD – Roman empire divided into 3 Frankish kingdoms.

869-870 AD – fourth council of Constantinople condemns patriarch Photius

879-880 AD – Fourth council of Constantinople restores Photius, condemns Pope Nicolas

1009 Caliph Al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah destroys the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, built over the tomb of Jesus in Jerusalem, and then rebuilds it to its current state

1031 AD – collapse of Muslim caliphate of Cordoba

1054 AD – East–West Schism split between Eastern (Orthodox Christianity) and Western (Roman Catholic) churches formalized

1074 AD – Crusade of the holy land led by Gregory VII fails

1099 AD – Western soldiers win siege of city of Antioch, and capture Jerusalem

1139 AD – Second Latern council declares all clerical marriages unlawful and invalid

1187 AD – armies of Kurdish military hero Saldin take Jerusalem

1204 AD – Crusade to Constantinople sacks it and turns it into Latin empire.