Week 9 Blog Assignment

I got a score of 180 on the Life Stress Inventory test, which indicates that I have roughly a 50% chance of a major health breakdown in the next two years. I got a 67 on the Coping and Stress Management test, which means I mostly use problem-focused strategies when I have issues, which is good if I’m facing problems I can control, but not so good otherwise. I got a 32 on the Type A Personality survey, which indicates that I rarely get frustrated and lash out at others. Having a low Type A score is a good thing because a Type A Behavior Pattern can be dangerous to your health.

From the Life Stress Inventory test, I learned that I have a lot more big stressors in my life than I thought I did. I expected to be below 150, and thus in the more healthy range, so I was surprised when I was not. However, thinking about it now, I can see how some of the events in my life over the past year can be stressors, even if I don’t think they are. My grandma passed away about 9 months ago which was a huge stressor in my life at the time. I’d like to think that I’ve moved forward, and for the most part I think I have, but I’m sure there’s still some residual stress and emotional strife left over, which will probably increase as we get closer to the one year anniversary of her passing. I was also surprised by the results of the Coping and Stress Management test. I normally think of myself as having pretty good coping strategies, so I was not expecting the results I got. However, I can see how I’m very action oriented, so when a problem arises I want to work through it and move on, which is not always viable or productive.

To help me manage stress throughout my professional career, I can find healthy outlets for it. I need to understand that I won’t be able to solve every single problem of my own accord; some things are out of my control. Finding healthy outlets to deal with issues I can’t fix could help lower my stress and keep me healthy in the long run.

Two things I saw mentioned fairly often in discussions about workplace stress and health were burnout and substance use disorder. According to Corporate Wellness Magazine, “workers who are stressed at work are more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors, such as cigarette smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, and poor dietary patterns.” In order to reduce the risk of these behaviors, organizations are encouraged to offer opportunities for work/life balance by allowing for flexible schedules and creating new ways for people to take time off. It is also recommended to create clear promotion and monetary reward tracks for employees. According to CNBC, several big companies are offering free subscriptions to meditation apps to help mitigate employee stress levels, among other things.




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