Most Important Thing I’ve Learned

Before this class, when thinking about recruitment and selection, I thought about this process from a very surface level perspective and didn’t take into consideration that different tests and assessments may be better suited for specific jobs whereas others won’t be as effective.

The most important thing I learned in this class was learning the different types of predictors, defining, and evaluating the adequacy of them. In looking at the criterion related validity, presence of subgroup differences, user acceptability and utility, this can help determine which predictors should be utilized to ensure not only is the best candidate hired, but also to ensure that the experience is one that applicants won’t be resistant to either.

In learning the differences between evaluating cognitive ability, job knowledge, personality, integrity, unstructured interviews, structured interviews, physical ability, and situational judgement tests, I’ve gained tools that can benefit me as both an applicant as well as being involved in the hiring process. As an applicant, I know more of what to expect as to what a company or hiring manager may use as a predictor for different job roles that I apply for. This can help me better prepare as if I guess that cognitive ability tests may be utilized, I can spend time practicing cognitive ability tests to become for familiar with that experience. When I have the opportunity to be part of a hiring team or committee, I feel well prepared to be able to give insight and recommendations as to what predictors would be most effective in identifying a top candidate for the specific job role we are hiring for.

The factors that I will consider when analyzing predictors both as an applicant and as a person responsible during the hiring process will be the criterion related validity, presence of subgroup differences, user acceptability and test utility.

I believe this framework has really elevated my knowledge of the hiring process and factors to consider and have set me up for success when I get to the point where I am a part of the hiring process for a company.

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