Oregon State University|blogs.oregonstate.edu
Blog Owner
Morgan Kandula

Week #1

  January 10th, 2023

Welcome to my Capstone blog! It’s the first week of the quarter and we’re all getting settled in and ready to start on our projects. I’m hoping for one that will help me grow my skills and show off what I’ve got. My top choices are related to environmental issues which are near and dear to my heart and I hope to use what I learn in this course to develop additional tools to help fight climate change in my future.

After spending a few years in supplier development and change management for the automotive industry , I am ready for a change to a more technical data-management role. Eventually I hope to freelance while raising my kids and traveling the world.

My programming journey started humbly with modifying Microsoft VBA Scripts at work and has since expanded to Python, C, Javascript, SQL, and even Raku, Racket, Ruby, and Prolog thanks to Programming Language Fundamentals. So far my favorite technologies have been SQL and noSQL database management which I have implemented UI’s for with node.JS and REACT applications.

The way I learn best is by doing, so I’ve got high hopes for this quarter and the project I’ll blog about here. You might see me working through an issue by writing about it in my blog or calling up a teammate to talk it through. But my saving grace when I get really stuck is having a perfect partner that knows when to tell me to shut it down, get some rest, and come back tomorrow to review the problem with fresh eyes.

Well then, it’s nice to meet you! And I look forward to completing this journey with you over the next three months. Talk to you next time!

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