

These tests made me realize how easy it is to respond to situations without being intentional in the way we act or the things we say. Overall, these three tests were a good reminder to me of how much stress each person encounters in their lives. The Holmes-Rahe test demonstrated this, as there are many tragic, stressful life events that can occur at any point in our lives. Understanding that there will be more tragic events and challenging days in the future highlights the importance of finding ways to cope with stress. The Type A Personality Test and The Stress Management Skills Test focused primarily on situations you may encounter daily, questioning how we internally deal with stress or discomfort in situations where you may not be in control. The stress management test said I use problem-focused strategies to cope with stress, and that I often take charge of a stressor which I find accurate. The Type A personality test said my interactions with others are generally positive, but can be impatient. In my professional career, I can be sure to keep my own well being in the forefront of my mind. In academics, and in jobs I’ve worked, it becomes easy to get caught up in projects, allowing work related things to drag you down and impact your personal life. It’s important to be able to dissociate work and personal life, trying to not let stressors from our career impact how we choose to live our lives. In accordance with that, keeping note of positive ways I learn to deal with stressful situations. Many companies have begun to adopt mental health and wellness programs to support their employees. Companies like Microsoft offer “Microsoft Cares” which is a counseling support group for all employees. Pinterest brings in health professionals to speak to their employees about stressors outside of work. On top of these programs, companies can show appreciation and support for their employees, working with them to find solutions to their problems and caring for them on a personal level.


Compensation’s Role in Career Decisions

Prior to my freshman year at Oregon State, I spent time on the job portal searching for potential employment opportunities. I applied for several positions, not too strongly considering hourly wage and looking more for steady income for my foreseeable college career. My choice came down to two positions, equipment maintenance at Dixon recreation center or a job with campus recycling. I had interviews for both, and knew that the pay for Dixon was slightly higher. I was more intrinsically motivated to work at Dixon, knowing about the energetic environment of the recreation center. The search for compensation was motivated mainly by myself wanting to have some financial stability and build up my resume for when I later apply for internships. I also realized getting a job my freshman year would make me accustomed to working a part time job, as opposed to having to add working a job to my schedule later on in college not being used to working. This opportunity at the recreation center encouraged me to put significant attention towards interviewing skills and presentability. I spent time researching common interview questions and reflected on my last few years to think of relevant stories that would tell the interviewers about myself. This job used traditional hiring methods, looking into my personality rather than evaluating how well I knew how to fix exercise equipment. After completing my interview, I felt the group of people would be a good fit for me and I accepted. The aspect of community with my coworkers and gaining knowledge about tools in a positive environment led me to accept the job offer. After getting this job at Dixon, it made me realize that the ability to present yourself and perform in interviews is just as crucial as having a good resume.


Course/training effectiveness

The effectiveness of any training or course can often be related to how the way the message or content got relayed to the person or student. Teaching someone anything can be difficult, and it takes a certain type of person who understands how to communicate complex ideas in a way that resonates with different learning styles. 

A class that has been effective for my learning style has been Physics211. This class includes plenty of class time and a lab, where examples and collaborating on problems are the focus, rather than constant lecturing. Being in an in-person class helps me pick up the information easier, as I can learn through making mistakes in class, allowing the teacher to implement their teaching techniques to help me and other students find the correct solution. The teacher has plenty of time to discuss individual problems with each table, making the class feel more personal and encourages students to participate. 

A class that wasn’t effective for me was a construction design class I took last year. This class focused largely around AutoCAD, an intricate computer program I had never used before this class. The class was online, and with the use of a new software, I found myself falling behind quickly with many questions on how to use the software. Without having a place to easily ask questions, I was often confused with the material or assignments. Online classes can feel less personal to me, and it was easy to let assignments pass without fully understanding certain concepts.

Ultimately, a teacher’s style of teaching impacts a student’s understanding and view on if the course was effective or not. The effectiveness of a course can be tested when the teacher is challenged to help students comprehend the material at a deeper level.


Job Interviews

Interviews can be a difficult and sometimes an unfair way of evaluating a potential employee. The individual being interviewed may find it hard to present themselves in the way they desire, which can impact the reliability and validity of the interview. This makes it all the more important that those in charge of interviewing have questions that are reliable and effective. 

At my current job at Dixon Recreation Center I have gotten the opportunity to be a part of the interviewing process. Seeing the other side has been incredibly valuable. Seeing the questions that my boss asks, and having the opportunity to analyze candidates alongside him and my coworkers, allows me to understand the validity and utility of the questions asked. My boss looks to not only observe if they are capable of doing the work, but if they fit in with the culture we have built. He knows people will be able to learn how to fix machines, but cares more about how we’ll function as a team. This approach results in the questions leaning more on a personal side, asking about life experiences and perspectives. Many questions that inquire about the candidates lifestyle and way of living are used. The validity of our interview process is reflected by the team we have built. It has largely been due to the questions that are asked, as they allow us to see the personality and views of whoever is being interviewed extremely well. From this perspective of interviewing, I have been able to see which questions provide valuable information about a candidate’s fit for the role. This has informed me on how to better present myself in my own interviews. 

If I could advise employers on how to improve their interviews, I would suggest spending ample time creating strong interview questions that have purpose and can apply to all candidates. A strong interview should lead the candidate through with questions that are not too difficult to answer, but allow those interviewing to gain information on the candidate as a person, along with their skills.

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