Category: Uncategorized
Spring Term Blog #2
Hello!!! For this blog, I wanted to divert my focus from OSU and classes to the job market and the job search. In this wild world of computer science, finding an internship this year has been as hard as finding a needle in a haystack. The job market has been at an all-time low, especially…
Blog #3
Hello! Hello!! Capstone has been going pretty good for me but it will soon be getting harder and have more issues as the integration part and the testing begins. What is your most difficult challenge? How did you solve it? Over the past term the project had been smooth sailing but this term when it…
Blog Post #2 Capstone
Hello!! Capstone has been going well but there have been several issues when it comes to the development process. This is connected directly to the Technology that we have been using as a group for the project. What is your most favorite technology? Least favorite? Over the term, I do not think I have been…
Capstone Blog # 3
Hello!!! This is the last blog of the Fall term, and I have quite a lot of progress to report on when it comes to my project and team. So, let’s buckle up and begin! My team’s main focus this term was finishing our research and starting the project at the end of the fall…
Blog #2
Hello!! I am actually really excited about writing the second blog! It honestly allows for me to rethink and actually understand how the progress of my project has been going. As of right now my project has been in the beginning stages where we have been researching and getting to know more about the technologies…
Blog # 1
HELLO!!! This is really exciting! But let’s begin. My name is Ishanshi, and this is my first blog for CS 461. I am a computer science and mathematics student here at OSU. I reside in Corvallis, OR, so I follow the West Coast time zone. A fun fact about me is that I recently attended…
Hello world!
Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!