The aim of the INTO OSU Professional Discussion Group is to give instructors a place to share and discuss research and other topics connected with our field. To that end, the discussion group meets in person each term. However, some instructors are not available to meet during that time, so this online space is a way to make the discussion topics and shared articles accessible to all instructors. In this online context, instructors have the opportunity to continue the discussion after the in-person meeting has ended.

Have a suggestion for a topic or article to share or discuss? Email Elisabeth:

TESOL Quarterly (Wiley Online Library – Log in with ONID)

ORTESOL Publications: ORTESOL Newsletter and ORTESOL Journal

Discussion Topics for Our Spring 2018 Gathering in Week Zero:

Discussion Topics for Our December 2017 Gathering on Wednesday Dec. 20: 

For this meeting, Randy and Elisabeth will lead discussions on the following topics:
  • A call for blog contributions: write a short book review, teaching tip, conference note/takeaway. Come and discuss your ideas for a blog post as a guest contributor! This contribution could be a nice addition to your APR
  • Following up on Randy’s 12/18 workshop about Canvas organization and screencasting
  • A chance for brainstorming about research projects that instructors are interested in launching: Looking for collaborators for a research idea? Maybe you’ll find one at the discussion.

Discussion Topics for Our Fall 2017 Gathering on Wednesday of Week 11: 

Discussion Topics for Our Spring 2017 Gathering on Friday of Week 10: 

Topics for this conversation (read ahead before we meet if you’d like — but not necessary): 

Discussion Topics from Our Fall 2016 Gathering: Teaching Information Literacy and Special Theme from TESOL Quarterly: Language Teacher Identity in Multilingual Educational Contexts