Category: Uncategorized

  • Power of Compensation

    I received a job offer from a renowned company that offered a significantly larger package compared to my current employment. The offer itself was high in salary and came with many benefits: stock options, performance bonuses, and a great retirement plan. Obviously, the financial uplift that came with it was tempting, and to be brutally…

  • Enhancing Training Effectiveness

    The effectiveness of training programs in the professional development realm literally determines the difference between empowered and engaged employees and those who are disinterested. Reflecting on my own experiences in good and not-so-good training sessions has enabled me to identify key things that influence effectiveness. The most valuable training session is one that emphasizes a…

  • Week 5 – Extra Blog

    Exploring Implicit Bias in Selection Processes I did the Sexuality IAT quite some time ago on the Project Implicit website at Harvard University, and the results came out indicating no bias. Actually, that finding had me wondering whether the selection process for reliability and validity would be biased toward implicit bias. It is not pleasant…

  • Working Towards Interview Effectiveness

    The modern-day interview process acts as a turning point for employers and candidates in a competitive job market. Reflecting on different interview experiences at different times has earned me great respect for effective interview techniques in terms of fairness, reliability, validity, and utility. On some occasions, I have attended interviews that were more organized, where…

  • Overcoming Challenges in Job Descriptions

    I have worked in Human Resource Management in a few companies. I can confirm that many frustrations come with developing and maintaining job descriptions. In this blog, I will reflect on my experience and also explore various academic sources on the issue to formulate strategies for overcoming the challenges and ensuring the proper functioning of…

  • Practice HR in Companies

    Salesforce, Hilton, and Wegmans Food Markets The function of HR in defining organizational culture and the employees’ experiences has doubtless become an inevitable job of HR in this increasingly competitive business environment. I largely view the best companies of today, such as Salesforce, Hilton, and Wegmans Food Markets, as exercising high devotion and entrepreneurial zeal…