Overcoming Challenges in Job Descriptions

I have worked in Human Resource Management in a few companies. I can confirm that many frustrations come with developing and maintaining job descriptions. In this blog, I will reflect on my experience and also explore various academic sources on the issue to formulate strategies for overcoming the challenges and ensuring the proper functioning of an organization.

Importance of Job Analysis

I have participated in numerous exercises in the creation of job descriptions, and this has given me immense experience on the issue. These exercises have taught me the significance of developing job descriptions and the necessity of streamlining them. Businesses have tried to raise wages in a bid to attract stronger candidates in the recruitment exercise (Rosenberg, 2021). One major challenge that I encountered while working on the issue was challenges in time and resources during the implementation of the job description analysis.

Challenges in Developing and Maintaining Job Descriptions

The dynamic nature of job descriptions makes them difficult to maintain, and thus one has to be creative when dealing with them. This is because the responsibilities assigned to different jobs continue to change to suit market dynamics and the prevailing conditions in the organization. Consistency is even harder to maintain in large organizations due to the various jobs and roles involved. Potential employees possess different talents, and it is therefore difficult to align the job description in a perfect way (Harter et al., 2016).

Modifying the terms or details used in job descriptions may further exacerbate those involved’s confusion, interfering with the proper communication of information from these descriptions.

Strategies for Overcoming Challenges

  • Conducting regular reviews and updates
  • The process involves using standardized templates and guidelines in the creation of job descriptions.
  • I am collaborating with various stakeholders in different departments to do job analysis.
  • We are using technology to streamline the process.

While implementing job analysis and job descriptions may be one of the most challenging processes in any organization, proactive approaches that prioritize accuracy, consistency, and collaborative work can manage and tame some of these challenges.


Harter, J., Buckingham, M., & Gallup Organization. (2016). First, break all the rules : what the world’s greatest managers do differently. Gallup Press.

ROSENBERG, E. (2021, June 12). These businesses found a way around the worker shortage: A big boost in wages. The Seattle Times. https://www.seattletimes.com/business/these-businesses-found-a-way-around-the-worker-shortage-a-big-boost-in-wages/

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