Chè Đậu Trắng Recipe

Growing up, my parents always made me a Vietnamese bean dessert called chè đậu trắng. It is something I look forward to at every family gathering. Now that I’m in college and away from home, I miss those kinds of comfort food. After doing some research on how to make this, I found out that this dessert is so ridiculously easy to make. The longest part of this recipe is cooking the dry navy beans, however you can get away with this if you use canned beans. Just put them in when the sweet rice is ready!

Today, I will be show you have to make this delicious dessert that can brighten anyone’s day!

Click on the link to learn how! Enjoy!

Get to Know Our Staff: Vicky

Name: Vicky Nguyen

Pronouns: She/ Her/ Hers

HSRC Job Title: Events and Programming Assistant


Major/Minor: Human Development and Family Sciences with a pre-nursing focus.

Career Aspirations: My career goal is to become a registered nurse. I would like to one day work with either pediatrics, neonatal, or adults in the ICU.

Why did you want to work at the HSRC? I wanted to work at the HSRC because I want to help students that were going through the same thing I am going through.  No one should feel like they have to skip a meal, not knowing where they are going to sleep, or whether they should continue their education because of the expenses. Working here allows me to reach out to more people about the resources that the HSRC has.

What will we be working on this year? I will be working on creating, as well as collaborating events with different clubs and organizations on campus. My goal to have meaningful events that will educate and promote what we do here at the HSRC.

What do you like to do in your free time? In my free time, I like to just relax with a face mask and watch puppy videos on YouTube!

What’s your favorite yummy and cheap meal to make? My go-to cheap meal is spring rolls with peanut sauce. It’s a quick, easily, AND healthy.

Do you have tips for students on how to save money? One thing that I would recommend is to not impulse buy. Really think through about whether or not you really need it or if that money could go towards something else. Another tip is to start a change jar. You’d be surprise about how fast it adds up!

What is your favorite thing to do in Corvallis? I really enjoy going to Benny’s Donut and trying trying their monthly flavors!