The Power of Trainings
In the summer of 2021 I worked as a wildland firefighter which required an extensive training process. At this time Covid regulations were still very prevalent and the company I worked for had to create a new system for trainings its employees. This training consisted of five days of zoom classes with numerous tests to…
My Interview
Last week I had an interview for a company unlike anything i’d experienced before. In the past, my experience with interviews was skewed, since I always knew the employers before applying for the job. This was my first time interviewing with a large company who they used tactics I hadn’t seen before. The bulk of…
Week 4 – Blog Assignment
I haven’t had any experience with job descriptions other than the lack of one. This last summer I was in a situation where my job description was vague, which caused many problems for me at first. Although It was just an internship, the people I worked for, and the work I did would change periodically.…
Hello world!
Welcome to blogs.oregonstate.edu. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!