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Tag Archives: hazelnut
Waking up tired
Hazelnut growers across the Willamette Valley have been seeing a trend with trees that are slow to develop their canopies this spring and there is an abundance of dead, twiggy wood and buds that failed to develop normally. Overall, this … Continue reading
Heat and sulfur burn in hazelnuts
A few years ago, the Oregon hazelnut industry added a new tool to use against big bud mite: micronated dry flowable sulfur. There are several special local needs labels for different brands that you can find in the Hazelnut Pest … Continue reading
Posted in Environment, IPM
Tagged bud mite, burn, hazelnut, heat, phytotoxicity, sulfur
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Hazelnut aphids are out
We have been noting aphid emergence over the last two weeks, but there remain a lot of unhatched eggs around the buds and on the bark. The unhatched eggs remaining may be primarily filbert aphid, Myzocallis coryli, as most of … Continue reading
Digging trees to determine nitrogen content
Last week the digging and removal of these ‘Jefferson’ trees marked the beginning of the end of a long experiment. Back in April of 2019, we applied some very expensive urea fertilizer around the drip line of theses trees. The … Continue reading
Field grafting hazelnuts
Field grafting of hazelnuts has been practiced for many years in Oregon but is not a widespread or common practice. Some in the industry such as David Smith of the OSU Hazelnut Breeding Program have a wealth of knowledge on … Continue reading
Filbertworm eggs in the orchard
Orchards in the Willamette Valley have now received enough heat units to have filbertworm eggs (>815 degree-days since April 1) and most have now achieved first egg hatch (955 degree-days). Some orchards will already have a few larvae entering nuts … Continue reading
BMSB egg masses and nymphs now in orchards
Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB, Halyomorpha halys) is a direct pest of hazelnuts across its invaded range worldwide including in the Pacific Northwest. Our program began redistribution efforts of the biological control agent Trissolcus japonicus soon after it was discovered … Continue reading
Rusty Tussock Moth in Hazelnuts
We have noted the presence of rusty tussock moth (Orgyia antiqua) feeding in our hazelnut plots for the last two seasons. This insect seems not to be a pest, only an incidental feeder that causes minor defoliation. The larvae are … Continue reading