Author Archives: Nik Wiman

Waking up tired

Hazelnut growers across the Willamette Valley have been seeing a trend with trees that are slow to develop their canopies this spring and there is an abundance of dead, twiggy wood and buds that failed to develop normally. Overall, this … Continue reading

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Pest Alert: California root borer in hazelnuts

A few years back we were trying to attract flatheaded borers (Buprestidae) to traps when we realized another borer pest may also be problematic in hazelnuts. Working with a pheromone company (AlphaScents, Canby OR) we deployed some pheromone of the … Continue reading

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Heat and sulfur burn in hazelnuts

A few years ago, the Oregon hazelnut industry added a new tool to use against big bud mite: micronated dry flowable sulfur. There are several special local needs labels for different brands that you can find in the Hazelnut Pest … Continue reading

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Low heat units indicate late start to 2023 season

Winter is holding us tight this year in the Willamette Valley, but it may be finally losing its grip. A break in the rain and warmer temperatures in the forecast will be a relief for hazelnut growers with orchards susceptible … Continue reading

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Hazelnut aphids are out

We have been noting aphid emergence over the last two weeks, but there remain a lot of unhatched eggs around the buds and on the bark. The unhatched eggs remaining may be primarily filbert aphid, Myzocallis coryli, as most of … Continue reading

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Digging trees to determine nitrogen content

Last week the digging and removal of these ‘Jefferson’ trees marked the beginning of the end of a long experiment. Back in April of 2019, we applied some very expensive urea fertilizer around the drip line of theses trees. The … Continue reading

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Aphid oviposition (egg-laying)

In recent days you may have noticed that there are suddenly a lot of aphids in the orchard. Aphid populations typically enjoy the period after nut drop. The weather cools down, and aphid populations spike. One last hurrah before winter. … Continue reading

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Organic production research – Orchard Crops Research and Extension Program

Organic Hazelnut Farm Tour E-Handout, Aug. 19, 2022 Nik G. Wiman (+ Team), Orchard Specialist & Associate Professor contact: Organic Pest Management Aphids Aphid management tactics Aphid biological control Filbertworm Organic sprays BMSB Organic sprays Biological Control Cultural Practices … Continue reading

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Field grafting hazelnuts

Field grafting of hazelnuts has been practiced for many years in Oregon but is not a widespread or common practice. Some in the industry such as David Smith of the OSU Hazelnut Breeding Program have a wealth of knowledge on … Continue reading

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Filbertworm eggs in the orchard

Orchards in the Willamette Valley have now received enough heat units to have filbertworm eggs (>815 degree-days since April 1) and most have now achieved first egg hatch (955 degree-days). Some orchards will already have a few larvae entering nuts … Continue reading

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