Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits

I have been so anxious to create a post about the benefits of apple cider vinegar. Recently I began consuming its contents every morning and every night, or every other. My boyfriend thinks it is absolutely disgusting, yet his parents agree it is so beneficial for our bodies! Apple cider vinegar has been scientifically proven to contain benefits for our bodies and is one of the most popular types of vinegar within the natural health community. Last year when the weather turned dreadfully cold and winter came, I noticed my tonsils were swelling up due to the common cold and flu. I went to the doctor numerous times and ended up having strep throat TWICE within just a few months. Returning to a specialist, he let me know that I have overly large tonsils, meaning just the slightest irritation can cause my tonsils to swell, and become abnormally larger than other people. This will cause them to rub together and me to have severe discomfort with not much to do but wait until it heals.

What Does Apple Cider Vinegar Truly Do?

I heard about apple cider from a friend of mine within the realm of fitness. I decided to try it for myself after hearing it fights pathogens and kills the bad bacteria within our bodies. I decided on organic, unfiltered apple cider. backs up the fact that this is possibly the best bottle to drink. It has a murkiness to it as well known mother strands, a makeup of proteins, enzymes, and friendly bacteria sit contained within it. For the entire past winter, I had no strep throat and only came down with a very mild cold once.

Whenever I feel a sore throat coming, I make sure I remember to take apple cider that day if I haven’t already. suggests a remedy of “1/4 cup apple cider vinegar with 1/4 cup warm water and gargle every hour or so” to help fight the bacteria inside of your throat. I also recommend brushing your teeth after an hour of drinking vinegar each time. The acidic properties can be harsher on your gums so it is important to brush after use to nmake sure youre not doing it too quickly to breakdown the good gums you have.

The Manhy Benefits

You have probably heard that apple cider aids in weight loss as well. This is also true! claims it is due to the acetic acid within the vinegar that boosts metabolism and shows strides in aiding with obesity. Many of its properties link directly with getting a flat tummy! When I did a weight loss program, one of the things that helped kick start my day and keep me from feeling sick due to lesser amounts of food, was drinking a few teaspoons in the morning and also every night. Even crazier is how well it has worked for one of our dogs. She was losing hair and scratching all over her body, we took her to various vet techs and tried changing her meals and felt like we had done everything to try to help her. Her body was dark form the scratching scars being left behind and we felt so helpless. Randomly, my dad decided to add a few drops of apple cider to her meals and we were amazed! Her fur grew back, the darkness started to heal on her body, her energy returned, and she was no longer itching herself! Whatever bacteria that got ahold of her was completely gone!

I truly believe this stuff works wonders and more people should climb on board to see if its benefits start helping them throughout their days or the winter months as well!

A Happy You Is A Healthy You!

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