How Fish Oil Supports Your Health

For centuries, many healthy diets have consisted of the consumption of fish due to their nutritional content in various types of seafood. Cod liver oil is one of the many compounds of fish oil that reaps healthy benefits for our bodies. 

What Does Cod Liver Do?

Cod liver is extracted solely from the liver of cod. Pacific and Atlantic cod are two of the more widely used forms of cod as they contain higher amounts of nutrients than most other forms. Containing omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins A and D, cod aids in the maintenance of our overall health and wellness. Some of these benefits include the improvement of bone health, reduction of inflammation, joint and arthritis pain, reduction of heart disease, improvements of anxiety and depression, along with aiding in stomach and gut ulcers. says “Cod liver oil is incredibly easy to add to your diet. It comes in many forms, but liquid and capsule forms are the most common”. Nordic Naturals supplies the use of cod through forms of gummies, soft gels, and even probiotic powder, but overall obtaining cod liver oil is extremely easy as it is found in numerous stores in various capsule forms. 

Incorporating Into Your Everyday Life

Close friends of mine have high blood pressure and mental health disorders such as depression, the consumption of cod liver oil in their lives proves to be an importance of theirs as they truly believe it has been benefiting their bodies for years. With aiding in depression, says studies were shown that there were  “lower levels of omega-3s in the red blood cell membranes of patients with depression”. Researchers believe that cod and fish oil help to elevate these levels and in turn smooth out mood swings in bipolar disorder, and also low levels of depression. 

Mental Health Disorders

Mental health disorders are so common, and yet the discussion around mental health is very minimal. It can be hard to know how to care for your mental health when no one wants to discuss it. Taking doses of natural properties that have proven effects to benefit your health and wellness is super important. There are so many natural ways to boost your immune system and smooth out any mood swings you may experience, rather than showering yourself in medication, though of course this can also be a beneficial way to care for any of your needs. Doing research on what might be right for you, is a great way to learn more on how to manage your mental health! 

Doses for cod liver oil usually range between 20 ML a day to 40, with your doctors consult. Many of my friends take around 20 ML which is the most common amount given within different capsules and powders. Taking omega-3’s or any kind of fish oil capsule has shown improvements in numerous people’s daily routines and lives. With something so easy to be incorporated into your diet, with outstanding effects on your health, it’s hard to say no to such a wonderful nutrient! We all have the potential to be the best versions of ourselves and not be slowed down by the stresses life has upon our bodies and minds.  

A Happy You Is A Healthy You.

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