Bees, Allergies, & You

If you’re like me, this may be the season you have been dreading for quite some time. With the spread of coronavirus, it is also allergy season, which makes for a very difficult situation when monitoring symptoms. But no, I am not here to talk more about the coronavirus outbreak, lets chat allergies!

What’s all the hype?

For me, I love when the sun comes out and the temperature warms up, but I notice that every time this happens, its during allergy season. I take all kinds of pills to hopefully protect me against a headache, scratchy throat, and stuffy nose. As a hack, another thing I recently incorporated into my life is honey! Eating a spoonful of honey every morning is a great and natural way to help slowly rid yourself of allergies. Honey contains nutrients and is rich in antioxidants. The sticky, -plant-based, resin holding beehives together is called propolis. Propolis is an architectural tool for bees that also aids as a defense mechanism against various pathogens for both the bees and us as humans! Propolis specifically aids as an antifungal as it contains healing properties known as pinocembrin. also suggests propolis has the ability to keep cancer cells from multiplying, reduce cancerous cells, and block pathways keeping cells from signalling each other.

How is it done, who is behind it?

Propolis can be taken as a supplement or as drops by mouth. even suggests a rinse or mouthwash method three times daily for getting rid of any inflammation or sores. Gaia Herbs’ Propolis Extract or more various options from Gaia Herbs are a great way to see the many ways it may benefit the body. From a liver cleanse to uplifting your mood, Gaia herbs “celebrates and supports the symbiotic relationship between people and plants. Different plants draw specific nutrients from the Earth. Those nutrients have a corresponding biological response in your body”. Natural healthy manufacturers such as Premier Research Labs take the time to research those specific nutrients or the infamous Propolis Pastilles and then blend them into safe and beneficial formulas for our uses.

Let’s stay quarantined AND healthy!

Ok, I lied, I have to say, with this crazy pandemic on the rise, the best things we can do for ourselves is keeping our bodies full of natural and healthy sources while getting rid of as many toxins as possible. Staying healthy and happy is key if you are going through any sort of quarantine where our normal routines of the days have been disrupted as we all figure out temporary new ways of life. Exercise, drink water, take care of your body, and stay as positive as you can. We will all get through this together.

A Happy You, Is A Healthy You!

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