What is GEW?

During one week each November, GEW inspires people everywhere through local, national and global activities designed to help them explore their potential as self-starters and innovators. In 2015, 25,000 partners organized GEW events in more than 160 countries. These activities, from large-scale competitions and events to intimate networking gatherings, connect participants to potential collaborators, mentors and even investors—introducing them to new possibilities and exciting opportunities.imgres     imgres

GEW 2016 @ OSU

Everyone at OSU is encouraged to participate in at least one GEW event or activity. You can participate by joining an event listed on the GEW calendar – OR – you can organize your own event! To list your event on the OSU GEW calendar, just submit it here and we’ll include it in our GEW announcements and help get the word out. Use #GEWBeavs to share your OSU GEW2016 experiences.

GEW and the Startup of YOU!

Use GEW to invite guest speakers to share their entrepreneurial journeys and lessons learned. Invite investors to learn more about what they look for in an attractive investment opportunity. Hold a hackathon or other event related to innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship and your area of study or personal interest. Network at GEW events to find Beavers who share your interests and may be potential team members or co-founders of a future startup. Any questions? Want to talk about possible GEW ideas? Contact the Austin Entrepreneurship Program. AEP.Info@oregonstate.edu


History of GEW

GEW began in 2007 by the Kauffman Foundation, the world’s largest foundation focused on entrepreneurship. In 2008, GEW exploded globally when the foundation partnered with the UK’s former Chancellor, Gordon Brown. Eighteen organizations stepped forward to host GEW events in 37 countries. Millions who had never before considered launching their own ventures soak up advice and inspiration from the likes of Richard Branson, Michael Dell and Muhammad Yunus.

Thousands of brand new startups spring to life during GEW through bootcamps like Startup Weekend and competitions like Startup Open. Hundreds of universities strengthen connections that help them commercialize research from their labs. Researchers and policymakers engage in discussions around the world to examine the underlying policies necessary to promote entrepreneurial growth.

Go forth and be entrepreneurial!

By Sandra Miller

Director, Austin Entrepreneurship Program

OSU College of Business

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