We study gardens: the plants, insects, animals, people, decisions and management practices that either improve or degrade a garden’s ability to promote environmental and human health. An underlying premise of our work is that gardens are important and understudied systems, that are key to building more sustainable, healthy and just communities. Our work is supported by Generous donations from the Garden Ecology league.
To learn more about our current work, please visit the lab website at gardenecology.oregonstate.edu

Garden Ecology Lab Members and Affiliates, August 2023. Top Row (l-r): Gwynne Mhuireach, Signe Danler, Nicole Bell, Jen Hayes, LeAnn Locher, Mykl Nelson. Bottom row (l-r): Gail Langellotto, Svea Bruslind, Kailey Legier. Missing: Lillie Case