Research Projects

Research activities focus on improving chemical control and facilitating the adoption of microbial control methods such as entomopathogenic nematodes for pest management. All applied research projects in seed cropping systems underline to incorporate diverse modes of action and the use of selective chemistries to prevent/slow the insecticide resistance development and reduce non-target effects of pesticides in the seed cropping systems.

Grass Seed Insect Pest Management

The field crop entomology program at OSU is a part of a research group funded by a specialty crop block grant to identify Alternatives to chlorpyrifos.  Our program conducts field efficacy trials and explores alternative non-chemical strategies for sustainable pest management. Please contact Dr. Navneet Kaur if you need specific chemicals to be included in the upcoming trials for insect pest management in the field crops for seed production in Western OR.  These projects are funded by the Oregon Seed Council, Oregon Department of Agriculture- Specialty Crop Block Grant Program for the alternatives to chlorpyrifos research, and the private industry partners, Oregon Clover Commission,  Eastern Oregon Kentucky Bluegrass Workgroup, and  USDA NIFA Western IPM Center.

Clover Seed Insect Pest Management

We are investigating insecticide resistance management strategies for white clover seed weevil management in white clover seed production systems in Oregon. This research project was funded by Oregon Clover Commission, Western SARE, and OSU- Agricultural Research Foundation.








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Extension Entomology