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Billbug Research Efforts
Nutrien Insects Nov 30, 2023
Updates on Two-Spotted Spider Mite
Kaur Research Review 2024
Miticide Resistance Screening
Current Billbug Research Status Feb 22
Miticide resistance screening and biocontrol March 7
EOKBGW2023-2024 Report and Proposal
Symphylan Control in Seed Crops
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The garden symphylan, Scutigerella immaculata Newport, is a serious soil arthropod pest whose root-feeding affects yield potential and survival of several high-value crops in Western Oregon during crop establishment. The broad host range includes grass grown for seed, vegetable seed crops, and other specialty crops such as peppermint and strawberries. Previously, symphylans have primarily managed using Lorsban (chlorpyrifos) as pre-plant incorporation (PPI). Now that chlorpyrifos is being phased out, growers will have limited chemical control options (pyrethroids only) as no clear path for registration exists for alternate chemistries (e.g., Mocap and Ethoprop). In this study, we aimed to evaluate the efficacy of new and existing insecticides and to identify potential options to support the product registration process.