Student Employment Opportunities
Student Services posts current job and internship opportunities that are relevant and interesting to students. Check out the College of Forestry’s own Student Employment Opportunities Job Website to find your next job or internship!
**Oregon State makes no representation, warranty or guarantee about the positions listed. We do not prescreen employment or internship opportunities that are submitted. You assume full responsibility for your safety, security, wages, working conditions, etc. of any off-campus employment/internship opportunities.**
Job Boards
Check out these company’s job boards for updated opportunities!
- California Licensed Foresters Association: CLFA Job Board
- CalFire: CalCareers Job Board
- American Conservation Experience: ACE EPIC Opportunities
- Federal Jobs: USAJobs
- University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources: UC ANR Job Board
- Society of American Foresters: SAF Job Board
- Sierra Pacific Industries: Jobs Page
- Mountain Enterprises: Jobs Page
- Sierra Nevada Alliance: Jobs Page
- Forestry Jobs in America: Career Opportunities
- Tree People: Job Opportunities
- Forestry Challenge; “Find Your Path” interviews with current forestry professionals and job board
- USDA Fire Service recent job postings Jobs Page, Jobs Page
Research Opportunities
Looking for ways to get involved in research… and get paid? Check out these projects that need undergraduate assistance. These projects are spread out over a wide variety of disciplines, with a mix of in person/remote and paid/unpaid work. Check out this website to get more information and see if your skills, abilities, and interests are a match for these positions! (Deadlines Vary.) If no application link is provided for your project of interest, email the associated faculty member! Or check out opportunities with URSA Engage!
Update your profile and upload your resume on Handshake to connect with employers, schedule interviews, and register for career fairs and events.
Willamette Resources & Educational Network (WREN) Volunteer Opportunities
WREN is a local nonprofit whose mission is to educate and promote land stewardship of the West Eugene Wetlands and surrounding habitats. Their current programs include a classroom based lesson series focusing on the wetlands for 4th and 5th graders, an after school program, and monthly Wetland Wanders–guided walks with ecosystem-specific experts. WREN is looking for volunteers to help with classroom activities, field trips, Wanders, community events, and more! If interested in volunteering with WREN, fill out the WREN Volunteer Form or contact by email at
Space Grant Internship Opportunities
Interested in space and looking for ways to get involved? Consider an internship with NASA. Visit NASA’s One Stop Shopping Initiative (OSSI) here. OSSI offers students the opportunity to apply for nearly all of NASA’s student internships in one place, using one simple application! The OSSI website also makes it easy for students to find opportunities and apply to multiple programs with one simple application form.
For more information on the Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium’s (OSGC) available student opportunities please visit our website here.
To get involved with the Oregon Internship Opportunity Network (OrION) and connect to internship opportunities please visit OSGS’s website here.
Self-paced Sustainability Course
OSU’s Sustainability Office in partnership with OSU’s Sustainability Double Degree Program, is offering a new, two-part leadership program designed to provide a structured, practical and meaningful experience for students who wish to explore sustainability in a flexible, cost effective framework. Students can complete the Canvas-based Program at their own pace without committing to the time or expense of a for-credit course. Learn more here.
CEL Spotlight
Beaves Volunteer:
Help grow food for low-income families, provide emergency meals & housing, enhance parks & trails, maintain space for animals (with doggie playtime), or work toward affordable housing and housing equity. Projects address multiple social issues alongside community partners: Benton Habitat for Humanity, Heartland Humane Shelter & Care, Corvallis Parks & Recreation, Room at the Inn, & Starker Arts Garden for Education (SAGE). Read more about these projects on our Beavs Volunteer webpage.
CEL Events and Opportunities:
Did you know that Community Engagement & Leadership offers many opportunities in the Corvallis area? If you’re looking to get involved with your community, check out their newest opportunities here.