
Happy A Great Summer!

Summer Term Rootstock Hours

The Rootstock food pantry is not be regularly staffed during summer hours. If you are experiencing food insecurity and need support, please stop by the Student Services Office. The pantry is stocked with pantry staples, breakfast foods, refrigerated foods and drinks and frozen food options. The Rootstock Food Pantry is located on the first floor of Peavy Forest Science Center across from the elevator.

Sustainability Opportunities and Services

Volunteer with School District Elementary Green Teams– The Corvallis Sustainability Coalition’s Education Action Team is recruiting volunteers to assist with Corvallis School District Elementary Green Teams. Volunteers support the School Sustainability Leaders by assisting with Green Team meetings, gathering supplies, or contacting speakers. Once-a-week and once-a-month volunteering opportunities are available. Apply here if interested!

Students: Borrow textbooks for free! The Basic Needs Center (BNC) has a Textbook Lending Library open to all on-campus students that includes books, calculators, chemistry model sets, and more. Click here to see resources available and make requests for additions to the library. For more information, visit 1030 SW Madison Ave., call 541-737-3747, or email

Join Sunrise Corvallis– Fight for climate justice. Sunrise Corvallis has hybrid meetings every Tuesday at 6 pm – come to Hovland Hall Room 104 or attend via Zoom. Join to make a real impact, participate in mutual aid and direct action, and be part of a powerful community of justice organizers.

You got questions, we got answers

Do you have questions about registration, grading policies, OSU’s new Financial Readiness and Success policy, and wish there was a one-stop-shop for all your questions?

The College of Forestry Student Success office is continually compiling answers to your most common questions and including them on their FAQ page. The SSO FAQ page can help with questions about the new Duo authentication tool and provide you with important dates and deadlines to help keep you on track. Check it out!

Looking for ways to get involved in the community?

Looking for ways to get involved, learn new skills, and give back? Check out these volunteer opportunities!

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