Why YOU should attend job workshops

As students, we focus on our education in the classroom, but do not spend enough time expanding our professional development in order to obtain a job. Although school may keep us busy, it is important to include time for job workshops. By attending job workshops you will:

  1. Increase your communication skills
  2. Gain contacts for future use
  3. Practice speaking with employers and researching companies/organizations
    • This can help you determine what you are looking for in an employer and narrow down what you wish to do in the future
  4. Meet with like minded people to discuss topics of interest
  5. Ask questions about professional pathways
  6. Find a JOB!

By meeting face to face with employers you will have a better chance because they will remember you and you won’t just be another name on a page.

Events to attend:

  • Federal Job Employer Panel and Networking Event on February 3rd from 1-3 pm in the Valley Library Willamette East and West Rooms
  • How to Apply for Federal Jobs/Internships: US Forest Service Job Seeker Workshop on February 7th  4-6 pm in the Valley Library, Willamette West Room
  • Winter Career Convention on February 15th and 16th from 11 am-3 pm in the LaSells Stewart Center
  • Employer Information Night: Sierra Pacific Industries on February 28th from 5-6 pm in Strand 262
  • How to Apply for State Jobs/Internships on March 3rd from 12-1 pm in the Valley Library Willamette Rooms East & West
  • How to Negotiate Job Offers on March 9th from 12-1 pm in Strand 148


Other resources to find a job include our College of Forestry Jobs Page and Employer Information Nights. Make sure to make yourself known in the industry you wish to be involved in!